Danshen (Salvia Miltiorrhiza ) Farm

1. Introduction of origin


Farm Location:    Linyi, Shandong



Soil:                   · Adequate microorganisms and nutrients


                          · No pesticide, fertilizer and heavy metal residues



Environment:    · Far away from industrial pollution


                         · Maintain sustainable development of the environment



Danshen Root

2. Regulate Planting



Planting:      · Do not use chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, etc. during the whole process


                    · Use physical pest control



Irrigation:    · fully automatic irrigation equipment, with regular irrigation


                   · clean mountain spring water irrigation



Salvia Miltiorrhiza Extract

3. In harmony with nature


The more traditional the way the bees spread pollen, the healthier it is.



Danshen Root


4. Manual harvesting


Annual October - November harvest, manual harvesting. The annual supply is 5-8 tons.

Salvia Miltiorrhiza Extract

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